Israel: 65 years of technological advances and environmental contributions


Sustainability blogers visiting solar field during professional tour

Author: Naomi Levy, Expert in Marketing and Communication.

Israel celebrates its 65th Anniversary. 65 years of independence, democracy, social integration but also progress in technology, among others, the CLEANTECH. In such a short amount of time, Israel is recognized around the world as the «Silicon Valley» of the Water Technologies. While this statement may seem a little obvious, it is worth remembering it from time to time and, incidentally, to expand data about market on clean technologies in Israel.

Located on the edge of a desert belt, Israel has sponsored since its inception as a State** the development of innovative technologies that have turned it in a world leader. Drip irrigation, desalination and wastewater recycling are some of the evidence of this leadership

** «Israel requires the study of desalination, massive use of solar energy, prevention of useful rain water waste and maximization of power through wind turbines… « – David Ben Gurion, former Israel Prime Minister – 1955

The global industry of Water and Clean Technologies moves more than 400 billion dollars a year and constitutes one of the fastest growing markets recorded. Israel has an important role in this network thanks to its technological know-how, especially in the fields of water and renewable energy.

The acute water shortage in the country has encouraged the development of technologies to optimize its use. To quote an example, note that Israel has the largest desalination plant in the world.

In 2009 the United Nations published a report which stated that Israel led the global recycling and reused 70% of wastewater. According to Environment Ministry, desalinated water constitutes currently 25% of the country’s fresh water and 40% of drinking water for the household sector.

One of the biggest challenges we face in the last decades is water shortages. The efficient use of water sources becomes more urgent in the globalized world, with the population growing and demanding for more energy, because water is running out. Technological innovation in water is vital. There are many challenges to overcome in terms of scarcity, control, facilities, pollution and even the use of water itself.

From the business perspective, there are business opportunities in water management worldwide. In developed countries, for example, we have the opportunity to innovate in controlling agricultural irrigation and domestic use. In emerging countries we can talk even about transforming industrial water into drinking water.

Israel, with its history of clean technology innovation and an active workforce of entrepreneurs and experts arrived from the field of Local High-Tech, has a clear advantage in development of clean technologies next generation. In fact, it ranked #2 in Global Ranking for Innovation in Cleantech.

Within irrigation technologies, over 80% of Israeli production is exported, while Israeli companies monopolize 30% of the global market.

These data, together with the global trend that points to Israel as a major exporter of all kinds of clean technologies and the excellent trade relations with Latin America, make the tandem ISRAEL – LATIN AMERICA in a secure strategic alliance with expectations of success.

There are already many projects and collaborations regarding cleantech that Israeli companies develops in Latin America but, according to officials of the Israel Export Institute and International Cooperation, there is still some way to go. Latin America offers many opportunities that remain still unexplored.



Visit Cleantech 2014 18-19 February and learn about the new technologies that are going to transform the future

Five top sustainability blogers recently visited Israel in order to gain an understanding of what is been done in the green sector here. Tobias Mendelovici Director of Ocean Business joined the blogers in a tour that included visiting eco buildings such as the one in the photo that is under construction in the University of Tel Aviv. Tour also included visits to solar technologies in the dessert, agritech centers, water treatment facilities, green transport systems and meeting entrepreneurs.

The Porter sustainability school under construction at the University of Tel Aviv visited during the Blogers tours. The natural ventilation system that will be entirely computerized, with models that will help take advantage of the natural breezes and avoid HVAC use as much as possible
site placement near a major train and bus station, as well as a major bike thoroughfare nearby
only 5 parking spaces will be offered, all of them for electric vehicles only
pollution measurement equipment, as well as highlighting of a highway running just below the hill the building is situated on, so that students will see the effects of the 350,000 cars that pass by each day
grey water recycling, for roof garden and landscaping

For those interested in the Cleantech sector in Israel a new opportunity lays ahead:

Professional Cleantech Tour organized by Ocean Business is going to take place on the 15, 16 and 17 of February and after the tour we will visit the Cleantech 2014 Exhibition organized by Masov Group that will take place 18 and 19 of February 2014 on the venue, Congress and Exhibition Centre Air Port City Israel the .

Israel: focusing on CleanTech

Though Israel is a small country with limited natural resources, it stands out as one of the most competitive economies. The country’s market economy can be characterized as advanced technology based and globally-oriented. Over the past two decades Israel has become famous for its high-tech capacity, particularly in telecommunications, information technology, electronics and science. Recently Israel has been focusing onCleanTech. There are over than 600 companies in Israel that can be defined as specializing in the CleanTech field.

The Smarter Cities of Tomorrow
The International Opening Session of CLEANTECH 2014 on the Smarter Cities of Tomorrow aims at Addressing the challenges of smart cities in the next two decades; highlighting smart city trends, technologies, services and applications; examining how technology and innovation will enable the smarter cities of tomorrow. Some of the topics that will be discussed: Sustainable development and energy efficiency; the role of the smart grid in the city; intelligent transport systems.

Israel’s Natural Gas Industry – Appreciation Gala Event
The Israeli economy has, in recent years, undergone significant changes in terms of fuels. Within the space of a few years, natural gas has become the primary, preferred fuel for electricity generation and for major industries, yielding savings of NIS 20 billion for the economy, alongside a significant reduction in emissions of pollutants due to the declining use of oil and coal. Vast gas reserves found off the coast of Israel are helping to encourage energy initiatives based on natural gas.

An Appreciation Gala Event, within the framework of CLEANTECH 2014, will bring together 300 of the most influential people in Israel’s natural gas sector: Entrepreneurs, Legislators, Regulators, Leading Industrialists, Top Bankers etc.

This exclusive event aims to provide an extraordinary opportunity and fertile ground for the creation of beneficial business relationships with the leading players of Israel’s natural gas sector.

To obtain further information or to register to the proffesional tour click here: contáctenos

For the Cleantech Fair visit the official site of the event

Climate Change Diminishing Caribbean Water Supply

By Sara Jerome

Scientists and government officials are sounding the alarm bell about climate change in the Caribbean by drawing attention to its potential effects on the water supply.

They say climate change may have severe effects on regional water scarcity issues in the coming decades, the Associated Press recently reported.

The United Nations and government officials are promoting regional action on the problem. «Inaction is not an option,» Lystra Fletcher-Paul, Caribbean land and water officer for the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, told the AP. «The water resources will not be available.»

Solutions could include desalinating salt water, streamlining the use of current supplies, and prohibiting development that would further tax local resources, the report said. The barrier to all those avenues is cost.

Caribbean nations largely obtain most of their water supply through ground water, which is particularly susceptible to the effects of climate change, experts said in the article. Barbados stands at the greatest risk for water scarcity, the report said, pointing to a 2012 study by the analyst firm Maplecroft.

Countries are hardly sitting still. The government in Barbados is busy promoting awareness about the «water crisis,» according to IDB America, magazine of the Inter-American Development Bank.  Officials point out that «freshwater is becoming a scarce commodity, raising the specter of shortages for the local population.»

This does not bode well for the nation’s major industries. Tourism could take a hit since the service industry must provide considerable amounts of water to guests, and water is needed for agriculture.

Experts say climate change is impacting the gamut of water issues, not just scarcity.

According to Alex Dehgan, a science and technology adviser to the administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development, climate change may «increase the frequency and severity of floods and droughts, and disrupt ecosystems that maintain water quality.»

Climate change is affecting U.S. water resources, as well.

«Cities across the United States should anticipate significant water-related vulnerabilities based on current carbon emission trends because of climate change, ranging from water shortages to more intense storms and floods to sea level rise,» according to a white paper by the Natural Resources Defense Councilpublished to Water Online.

Image credit: «Acp | Wikimedia Commons,» © 2010 Barbados, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license:

Business Seminar attended by President of Colombia and Minister of Energy and Water of Israel

During the month of June 2014 a the  Dan Panorama Hotel located in front of the cosmopolitan city of Tel Aviv boardwalk, a Colombia-Israel Seminar Business was performed with the presence of a delegation from Colombia headed by President Juan Manuel Santos and Minister of energy and water resources of Israel, Sivan Shalom, ambassadors from both countries and about 200 Israeli businessmen including who writes these lines.

During his speech president Santos mentioned country achievements in recent years, including economy growth and the approach to their rivals in order to try to reach an end to the conflict. At more personal level he shared his dream of being able to sustainable exploit lands of the vast Colombian territory which had gotten unproductive due to armed conflict, but which are now apparently ready to work them. He added it’s not necessary to make land productive but to do a fair land distribution. According to Santos, a rural development so as to succeed in making land more productive would help to fight poverty and inequality which are two of the major challenges his country faces and are more acute in outlying areas.

He emphasized potential for cooperation with Israel that realizes his dream. He mentioned that «Israel due to both its inventiveness – where is considered a champion of technological innovation – and drive of its people is the ideal partner for Colombia». In addition, president is keen to attract investment from large Israeli companies to their country. In fact Israel’s investment in Colombia has been concentrated in chemical sector, renewable energy and agricultural technologies.

According to words of President Santos, Israel and Colombia can create enormous synergies and there are many opportunities where both countries can complement each other. These speak of cooperation, trade and investment issues, agriculture and other technologies.

«Israel and Colombia share values of democracy and freedom» Quoted by President Manuel Santos in Business Seminar

Another distinguished guest was Proexport’s President, Maria Claudia Lacouture, who mentioned there have found several productive sectors between Colombia and Israel that are highly complementary. National Infrastructure Agency Manager, Mr. Luis Andrade also offered a presentation on the opportunities and challenges of infrastructure in Colombia.

On the Israeli side Minister of Water and Energy Sivan Shalom commented on Israeli miracle where this small country ranks as the second country in the world listed on NASDAQ in innovation. He remarked as well Israel is an economy that stands out in the world for its development and technological advances, which have allowed it to become headquarter for major international companies. He thanked Colombia for being main supplier of coal to Israel. Interestingly he mentioned both countries have growing economies on about 4.5% per year and both countries share similar values about democracy and other issues. At last he spoke of Israel’s gas reserves, Israeli irrigation systems, water desalination technology and advances in agriculture and digital and information technologies.

These are just the issues our consulting firm Ocean Business specializes with. And with this visit we are even more committed to helping facilitate international business between Israel and Colombia.

We understand developing countries have the need to acquire sustainable technological solutions in order to advance in both social and economic development. These technologies are an important agent for local development.

Colombia has made huge strides in recent times which have even positioned it as a member of OECD countries. But there is still much to do.

So our goal at Ocean Business is to facilitate business relationships between Israel and Latin America particularly in Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Chile and Brazil in order to advance and leverage this technological revolution through a solid business platform which consolidates ideas and business models to help establish contacts and promote strategic alliances.

In a context of international business between both countries where a free trade agreement is expected soon, our commitment is to provide entrepreneurs, investors and professionals with the tools to develop and implement technology based business that collaborate with improving productivity, life quality and reducing environmental impacts.

For this we have a leading online professional platform that leverages business and provides information on innovative and commercially viable solutions, mainly sustainable technologies from Israel which are addressing mostly to developing countries.



Colombia is one of the countries with greatest diversity of birds and other plant and animal species on the planet

To conclude this article I emphasize that besides technological and mineral resources issues from both countries, there is a huge potential of trade in other sectors such as culture and tourism. Colombia is a mega diverse country with a splendid nature. In fact there is a curiosity Proexport’s President Maria Claudia Lacouture highlighted which refers to the tourist offer for Israeli traveler in Colombia. Colombia was the sixth destination for Israelis when traveling abroad, she assured. «We’ve found that Israel travelers enjoy welfare experience, bird watching, cultural heritage, religious sites and sunshine and beaches. Colombia is one of the emerging destinations in these segments, so it has an opportunity to increase tourist arrivals to our country.» Israel has indeed successfully developed rural tourism and could collaborate with Colombia in this area too.

Then best of luck for delegations and we hope to materialize many opportunities between these two brotherly countries.