New business at the speed of wind

Wind mini turbines tech has been a very popular topic in this blog, so we decided to expand the information. The emphasis is doing on commercial aspects of these wind mini turbines for both rural areas and its new application in cities.

Many remote rural areas and even less remote areas have serious problems getting reliable electricity sources. For example, in Venezuela not only remote areas face this problem but nearly all populations within the country suffer blackouts and electricity shortage. This situation, if less severe than in Bolivarian country, is also common in other American countries.

An ecologically viable way to alleviate these problems in areas with suitable wind conditions – usually where winds blow over 6 meters per second- is generating electricity by using turbines or wind turbines as they are better known.

Main topic of the article deals with most common use of wind mini turbines, which means turbines with less than 100 kW that are intended for auto consumption in places where there is no electricity network. However, with changes in legislation, it is becoming possible to install these systems in cities. This allows the use of electricity generated by turbines for home consumption in buildings where there is already an electric network, such as a home or business that are already drawing power from the grid. In this mode, the energy generated is consumed directly by operating appliances and prevents that his owner buy that energy to the electric company. For example, a conventional turbine with a power of 1.75 kW could generate over 50% of the annual electricity in an average household. The other application, which is already applied in Israel for photovoltaic power and in other countries for wind power, involves selling the power generated by mini turbines to the power network.

 On the trade issue

Many professionals interested in installing the mini turbines commercially ask me where to start because the first step is the assessment of wind resource. There is existing data about this in many areas but there are also special devices that measure wind characteristics in situ. On the issue of costs: Total costs for the installation of a wind turbine can vary depending on several parameters such as the kind of turbine cost, construction contracts, type of machine, project location, and other factors. Components of wind projects cost include site analysis expenses, turbine price and charge, construction costs, permitting and interconnection studies, utility system up-dates, transformers, protection and measurement equipment, insurance, operations, warranty, maintenance and repair, legal fees and consultation. Other factors that will impact your project economics include financing costs, size of your project, and taxes.

–          Small turbines cost about $3,000 to $5,000 per kilowatt of capacity. That means a 10 kilowatt machine can cost between $35,000 and $50,000.

The video below shows installation and start-up of 1kw turbine in Northern Israel. Double-click and download the file.


Drip Irrigation systems and water conservation: alternatives and technological innovations

Drip irrigation systems have been widely used as low water consumption systems for irrigation purposes. But which are the trends in 2013?

By Tobias Mendelovici, Agronomist of Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ocean Business Director.This article was translated from its original version in Spanish.

Drip irrigation systems allow accurate amounts of water application without waste but also allow the integrated use of fertilizers through them. These systems were invented by engineers and farmers in Israel several decades ago. Harsh conditions of an arid territory made these systems were developed as they make more efficient use of natural resources. In fact, over 80% of irrigated areas in Israel use drip irrigation and micro irrigation.

  • Compared with gravity irrigation systems or grooves the water savings in drip irrigation systems ranges by 50-70% and compared with sprinkler systems they have 20% savings.

During my agronomy studies at Hebrew University of Jerusalem for almost 25 years, I remember how water with high salinity levels was used in experimental fields and tolerant crops like tomatoes, melons, asparagus, grapes and olives were drip irrigated. In fact, these systems allow the use of waters with higher salinity levels for irrigation. And since then there have been many advancements.

New technological developments in Israel have allowed introducing the first generation of drippers: auto compensated or compensated drippers as well as high speed production lines for cylindrical and flat drippers.

Drippers are unique in the market since they are designed especially for areas with varied topography, scarce and poor quality water resources which make them suitable for uneven terrain, as well as with sewage and recycled waters.

In contrast with super smart and efficient drip irrigation systems there are irrigation systems called TAPE which are a cheaper competitor and consists of a plastic tube with holes through which water goes out. This product cannot provide special functions that provide drippers, such as cleaning water or high pressure change when water enters to the system and change to zero pressure that allow water to drip out. Furthermore, TAPE tubes do not guarantee that water discharge is heterogeneous through lower tube which is critical for some crops, while for others such as cotton and potatoes it is not as important.

And after describing today and future trends, I end up this article with an interesting story from the distant past of drip irrigation: In one of the field trips I made in Southern Israel near to Ben Gurion University experimental station to a plot that was cultivated 2,000 years ago by ancient farmers of the desert: the Nabataeans . Their agricultural methods were extremely sophisticated. They built terraces and cleaned rocks in the floor and so they managed that every water drop from the rains were collected and directed to the fields by gravity.

Photos: Metzer’s Courtesy

Israel: 65 years of technological advances and environmental contributions


Sustainability blogers visiting solar field during professional tour

Author: Naomi Levy, Expert in Marketing and Communication.

Israel celebrates its 65th Anniversary. 65 years of independence, democracy, social integration but also progress in technology, among others, the CLEANTECH. In such a short amount of time, Israel is recognized around the world as the «Silicon Valley» of the Water Technologies. While this statement may seem a little obvious, it is worth remembering it from time to time and, incidentally, to expand data about market on clean technologies in Israel.

Located on the edge of a desert belt, Israel has sponsored since its inception as a State** the development of innovative technologies that have turned it in a world leader. Drip irrigation, desalination and wastewater recycling are some of the evidence of this leadership

** «Israel requires the study of desalination, massive use of solar energy, prevention of useful rain water waste and maximization of power through wind turbines… « – David Ben Gurion, former Israel Prime Minister – 1955

The global industry of Water and Clean Technologies moves more than 400 billion dollars a year and constitutes one of the fastest growing markets recorded. Israel has an important role in this network thanks to its technological know-how, especially in the fields of water and renewable energy.

The acute water shortage in the country has encouraged the development of technologies to optimize its use. To quote an example, note that Israel has the largest desalination plant in the world.

In 2009 the United Nations published a report which stated that Israel led the global recycling and reused 70% of wastewater. According to Environment Ministry, desalinated water constitutes currently 25% of the country’s fresh water and 40% of drinking water for the household sector.

One of the biggest challenges we face in the last decades is water shortages. The efficient use of water sources becomes more urgent in the globalized world, with the population growing and demanding for more energy, because water is running out. Technological innovation in water is vital. There are many challenges to overcome in terms of scarcity, control, facilities, pollution and even the use of water itself.

From the business perspective, there are business opportunities in water management worldwide. In developed countries, for example, we have the opportunity to innovate in controlling agricultural irrigation and domestic use. In emerging countries we can talk even about transforming industrial water into drinking water.

Israel, with its history of clean technology innovation and an active workforce of entrepreneurs and experts arrived from the field of Local High-Tech, has a clear advantage in development of clean technologies next generation. In fact, it ranked #2 in Global Ranking for Innovation in Cleantech.

Within irrigation technologies, over 80% of Israeli production is exported, while Israeli companies monopolize 30% of the global market.

These data, together with the global trend that points to Israel as a major exporter of all kinds of clean technologies and the excellent trade relations with Latin America, make the tandem ISRAEL – LATIN AMERICA in a secure strategic alliance with expectations of success.

There are already many projects and collaborations regarding cleantech that Israeli companies develops in Latin America but, according to officials of the Israel Export Institute and International Cooperation, there is still some way to go. Latin America offers many opportunities that remain still unexplored.



1 Aniversario Cámara de Comercio e Industria Israel – El Salvador. El Agro en la mira.

La Cámara Israel-El Salvador de Comercio e Industria y la Embajada de Israel en el Salvador celebraron con una magistral video-conferencia desde Israel, su primer año de aniversario. Para este fin invitaron a la empresa Ocean Business a prepararles y dictarles unas ponencias especialmente hechas para el público meta que consistió en unos 50 empresarios de la nación centroamericana y que contó con la destacada presencia del distingido Shmulik Bass, Embajador de Israel en El Salvador.

La conferencia titulada “Haciendo negocios con Israel” fue impartida por los especialistas israelís de origen Latinoamericano Tobias Mendelovici de Ocean Business y Eial Bluer de Sefarad Consult.  Estas charlas permitieron a los empresarios salvadoreños de conocer las ventajas y beneficios de hacer negocios con una de las naciones start up del mundo y comprender como el potencial del modelo tecnológico Israelí puede ser aprovechado. Las conferencias cubrieron varios temas entre ellos:

  • El Salvador e Israel –similitudes y diferencias oportunidades globales de negocios
  • El mercado (tecnológico) israelí
  • Empresas de Transferencia Tecnológica
  • Diferencias culturales a la hora de hacer negocios
  • La incorporación de tecnologías y la capacitación profesional
  • Avances de Israel en agro-alimentación, riego, tratamiento de aguas, conservación de medio ambiente, ahorro en el consumo de energías, uso de energías limpias, entre otros.

A la hora de las preguntas, el tema del Agro y del medio ambiente fue de los que más generaron participación, sobre todo en torno a una de las tecnologías presentadas que es un software que permite la reducción del uso de fertilizantes en la agricultura.

Los ponentes recalcaron que atraves de los sistemas de video conferencias que se utilizaron para realizar estas charlas se pueden transferir conocimientos a un gran número de empresarios sin la necesidad de que el experto viaje hasta el lugar del evento, tal cual como se hizo en esta ocasión. De hecho ya otras embajadas y organizaciones han contactado a Ocean Business para realizar conferencias similares.

Además este modelo de tele conferencia pueden ser muy útiles para llegarle personas que habitan en zonas remotas y que generalmente no pueden llegar a eventos en las grandes orbes. Un ejemplo especifico son los Cursos de Capacitación on line que permiten a los agricultores en convertirse en expertos en Riego y Fertilización. Ver

A continuacion las presentaciones que se dictaron en el evento desde Israel:

Presentacion israel y el medio ambiente para El Salvador 

Para obtener el boletin  publicado por la Embajada y el cual que contiene todos los detalles sobre el evento pueden contactar al Sr Carlos Monroy, Embajada de Israel San Salvador Tel: 2211-3434  Email:


Embajador de Israel en el Salvador Shmulik Bass y otros distinguidos panelistas de El Salvador




Programa de la Gira Profesional Cleantech 2014

Sustainability blogers visiting solar field during professional tour

Junto a la visita a la Feria  Cleantech 2014, Ocean Business empresa consultora Israeli con conocimientos de los negocios internacionales y una gran experiencia en el ramo del cleantech israelí, le ofrece tomar parte en un programa exclusivo VIP de  (6) días en total, que se llevara a cabo entre el  15 al 20 de Febrero 2014. La misma, le permitirá realizar visitas profesionales basadas en temas de su interés específico, ubicar nuevas soluciones y productos, visita a proyectos, entrevistas y reuniones con actores claves del ecosistema de negocios en este ramo. Ademas realizaremos visitas turisticas a Tel Aviv, Yaffa, Jerusalem y el Mar Muerto, todo esto acompañados por profesionales expertos en los temas de interés.

Kinetis sustainability blogers professional tour visiting attractions in the south of Israel ast october 2013

 La Gira profesional Cleantech 2014, que se reallizara en el marco de la feria Cleantech 2014 que será  una vitrina internacional de tecnologías, productos y servicios de apoyo a una economía sustentable, con el tema smart cities and technologies y el negocio del gas natural como temas centrales ademas de los temas tradicionales como tecnologías ambientales, eco construcción energía, reciclaje y agua.

Ing Michael Frohlich asesor de Ocean Business muestra represa a grupo de profesionales del Peru que asistieron a la Gira Profesional organizada por Ocean Business Octubre 2013


La Gira satisface las expectativas de negocios, capacitacion y disfrute compartiendo con profesionales y tomadores de decisiones Israelies e internacionales.

El paquete básico que ofrecemos incluye:

* Dos días completos en el congreso y la feria Cleantech 2014.
* Visitas y tours profesionales a sitios y empresas de su interés.
* Visitas turísticas a sitios históricos religiosos y naturales
* Incluye alojamiento compartido en hoteles cuatro estrellas,                                                     * Incluye dos comidas diarias y transporte,                                                                                     * Estarán acompañados por especialistas internacionales que servirán como sus guías durante todo el recorrido.

  • Nota: El pasaje aéreo no están incluidos en el precio del paquete.
  • El numero mínimo de personas para esta gira profesional y turística es de 20.
  • La fecha límite para inscribirse y realizar el pago es hasta el  27 de Enero 2014.
  • Para aquellos que paguen antes del 15 de Enero hay un descuento del 10%.

Visitantes del Peru que participaron en la Gira Profesional organizada por Ocean Business durante la WATEC 2013 se reunieron con asociaciones gremiales y con personas del gobierno











La gira incluyo visitas a:

* Edificaciones ecológicas, * avances en el tema de smart cities, * proyectos de energía renovable, * kibutz ecológicos, * centros agrícolas de avanzada, * instalaciones de tratamiento y purificación de agua, * visitas a empresarios y sus nuevos proyectos e inventos, * Proyectos de reciclaje, * visitas turísticas a Tel Aviv, Yaffa, Jerusalem y el Mar Muerto.


* Reuniones de negocios con empresarios de Israel, *  reuniones con representantes de organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales de Israel, * reuniones con universidades, centros de transferencia de tecnología,  empresas privadas y star-ups           * asistencia a conferencias y charlas * asistencia a la feria y visita a boots de las empresas.


Costos: 2.250 Euros por participante hasta el 15 de Enero 2014

2.500 Euros por participante despues del 15 de Enero 2014

Interesados en participar? podran formalizar su solicitud completando el formulario

Contactenos para cualquier informacion adicional que necesite

Visitando a las empresas en la cleantech 2013 este 2014 repetiremos!

Vistaremos en la gira a empresas start up y sus inventos

Se visitaran proyectos iconicos relacionados con el mundo del agua, del riego, del agro y del medio ambiente – guiados por expertos


Visitaremos el mar muerto como lo hicimos en el 2013!


Visitaremos Jerusalem





























Visit Cleantech 2014 18-19 February and learn about the new technologies that are going to transform the future

Five top sustainability blogers recently visited Israel in order to gain an understanding of what is been done in the green sector here. Tobias Mendelovici Director of Ocean Business joined the blogers in a tour that included visiting eco buildings such as the one in the photo that is under construction in the University of Tel Aviv. Tour also included visits to solar technologies in the dessert, agritech centers, water treatment facilities, green transport systems and meeting entrepreneurs.

The Porter sustainability school under construction at the University of Tel Aviv visited during the Blogers tours. The natural ventilation system that will be entirely computerized, with models that will help take advantage of the natural breezes and avoid HVAC use as much as possible
site placement near a major train and bus station, as well as a major bike thoroughfare nearby
only 5 parking spaces will be offered, all of them for electric vehicles only
pollution measurement equipment, as well as highlighting of a highway running just below the hill the building is situated on, so that students will see the effects of the 350,000 cars that pass by each day
grey water recycling, for roof garden and landscaping

For those interested in the Cleantech sector in Israel a new opportunity lays ahead:

Professional Cleantech Tour organized by Ocean Business is going to take place on the 15, 16 and 17 of February and after the tour we will visit the Cleantech 2014 Exhibition organized by Masov Group that will take place 18 and 19 of February 2014 on the venue, Congress and Exhibition Centre Air Port City Israel the .

Israel: focusing on CleanTech

Though Israel is a small country with limited natural resources, it stands out as one of the most competitive economies. The country’s market economy can be characterized as advanced technology based and globally-oriented. Over the past two decades Israel has become famous for its high-tech capacity, particularly in telecommunications, information technology, electronics and science. Recently Israel has been focusing onCleanTech. There are over than 600 companies in Israel that can be defined as specializing in the CleanTech field.

The Smarter Cities of Tomorrow
The International Opening Session of CLEANTECH 2014 on the Smarter Cities of Tomorrow aims at Addressing the challenges of smart cities in the next two decades; highlighting smart city trends, technologies, services and applications; examining how technology and innovation will enable the smarter cities of tomorrow. Some of the topics that will be discussed: Sustainable development and energy efficiency; the role of the smart grid in the city; intelligent transport systems.

Israel’s Natural Gas Industry – Appreciation Gala Event
The Israeli economy has, in recent years, undergone significant changes in terms of fuels. Within the space of a few years, natural gas has become the primary, preferred fuel for electricity generation and for major industries, yielding savings of NIS 20 billion for the economy, alongside a significant reduction in emissions of pollutants due to the declining use of oil and coal. Vast gas reserves found off the coast of Israel are helping to encourage energy initiatives based on natural gas.

An Appreciation Gala Event, within the framework of CLEANTECH 2014, will bring together 300 of the most influential people in Israel’s natural gas sector: Entrepreneurs, Legislators, Regulators, Leading Industrialists, Top Bankers etc.

This exclusive event aims to provide an extraordinary opportunity and fertile ground for the creation of beneficial business relationships with the leading players of Israel’s natural gas sector.

To obtain further information or to register to the proffesional tour click here: contáctenos

For the Cleantech Fair visit the official site of the event

Visite la Feria Cleantech los días 15, 16 y 17 de Febrero 2014 y aprenda sobre las tecnologías que están transformando el futuro

El edificio más ecológico de Israel se está construyendo en la Universidad de Tel Aviv.
* El sistema de ventilación será computarizado y maximizara brisas naturales.
* Localización cerca de estación de tren y líneas de buses así como estaciones de bicicletas
* Estacionamiento únicamente para vehículos eléctricos

Los 5 Blogueros más importantes del mundo en temas de Cleantech y quienes cuentan con millones de lectores en todo el mundo, visitaron recientemente Israel a conocer de primera mano que se hace en esta materia. El director de Ocean Business el Ingeniero Tobias Mendelovici los acompaño en la  gira profesional especializada hecha a la medida para este distinguido grupo.

La gira incluyo visitas a edificaciones ecológicas como la de la foto que presenta una perspectiva de la futura escuela de sostenibilidad de la Universidad de Tel Aviv, así como visitas a campos de energía solar, centros agrícolas de avanzada, a instalaciones de tratamiento y purificación de agua, a empresarios y sus nuevos inventos, sistemas de transporte ecológico entre otros. Ya expandiremos mas adelante los detalles de este fascinate tour.

Para los interesados en el tema Cleantech, se acerca una nueva excelente oportunidad para venir a Israel a ver los inventos, tecnologías, empresas, lugares y proyectos de punta: la Gira Profesional Cleantech 2014 organizada por Ocean Business que se realizara en el marco de la exhibición internacional CleanTech 2014 sobre tecnologías ambientales, eco construcción energía, reciclaje y agua. La Gira se realizara los días 15, 16 y 17 de Febrero 2014 para despues visitar la Feria Cleantech 2014 organizada por el Grupo Mashov los días 18 y 19 de Febrero 2014 en el Avenue, Congress and Exhibition Centre Air Port City Israel. La feria expondrá empresas, inventores, investigadores de las nuevas tecnologías en el ramo ambiental.

 Cleantech en Israel: un nuevo foco tecnológico.

Israel es una pequeña nación con limitados recursos naturales sin embargo los israelíes han logrado sobreponerse a la escasez de recursos y han logrado generar una de las economías más competitivas.

La economía de Mercado de Israel está caracterizada por sus avances tecnológicos de punta y por su expansión global. En la últimas tres décadas Israel ha sido famosa por sus invenciones agrícolas y por la expansión de las telecomunicaciones, los sistemas de información, la electrónica y la ciencia en general.

Recientemente se ha generado un gran crecimiento e interés en las tecnologías cleantech donde hay unas 600 empresas ofreciendo soluciones. Israel se fijo la meta de reducir en un 60% el consumo de petroleo hasta el 2025 y esto ha acelarado la busqueda de alternativas.

La Gira Profesional y la Feria Cleantech 2014 es la oportunidad de visitar y conocer a primera mano que se esta haciendo en esta materia.

 El tema central de la feria Cleantech 2014 será el de Ciudades Inteligentes

  • Tendencias en ciudades inteligentes,
  • Tecnologias, servicios y aplicaciones
  • Se examinara como tecnologías e innovación transformaran las ciudades del futuro.
  • Temas incluyen eficiencia energética, smart grid en la ciudad, sistemas de transporte inteligentes

 Evento de Gala en el marco de la Cleantech 2014 sobre la nueva industria del gas natural en Israel

Recientemente se han descubierto en la franja costera mar adentro de Israel importantes yacimientos gasíferos que traerán prosperidad a la economía Israelí y a su vez reducirán el impacto ambiental por el uso de gas en vez de combustibles como carbón y petróleo para usos como transporte, generación de electricidad, entre otros. El evento gala traerá a los actores más importantes del mundo del gas natural entre ellos legisladores, emprendedores, reguladores, banqueros entre otros.

Esta es una oportunidad de hacer negocios en este ramo.

Para mas información o para registrarse en la Gira Profesional contáctenos

Para la Feria visite la pagina del evento