International Seminar on Agriculture, 7-12 June 2014, Israel

Ocean Business, an israeli firm with a wide experience in the agricultural ecosystem and Israeli cleantech, in association with Excem Technologies company belonging to Excem Group, with an extensive knowledge of international business, are jointly organizing the International Seminar and professional tour on Agriculture Technological Innovations INNOVAGRO, to be held in Israel from 7 to 12 June 2014 in the frame of the Agromashov exhibition.
Innovagro will last for five days, and includes a seminar with recognized speakers, business meetings, field trips , visits to companies, projects and research centers and a visit to the agriculture expo Agromashov, one of the largest exhibitions and agricultural expos in Israel. Additionally, tourism visits to the iconic holy sites will be organized.
Innovagro has as its main goal to learn and find synergies between the innovation ecosystem in Israel, the agriculture sector and you.
Innovagro is particularly attractive for:
Business people working on agricultural sector; they have specific needs in terms of technological solutions for large projects, and would like to meet new Israeli technologies which could be incorporated into concrete projects.
Besides, for those businessmen who are interested in promoting, distributing and integrating Agritech solutions from Israel, and who are interested in finding financing for large projects in the region.

Why come to Israel at this time
In its brief 65 years of existence as a State, Israel has dedicated efforts to science and technology research, which translates to the notorious contributions made by the country to science in fields such as Genetics, Computer Science, Electronics, Optics and other high-tech industries.
Considering that Israel is a very small country, it ranks third worldwide in expenditure for research and development, the eighth place in technological preparation (according to the expenditure of its companies in I+D, the creativity of its scientific community, the number of personal computers and the Internet penetration rate), the eleventh place in innovations, the 16th rank in exports of high-tech and the seventeenth in technological achievements according to the «Nation Master» list (related to countries by economic standards).
Israel is the country with the highest number of scientific publications per head: 109 per 10,000 people and is one of the countries with more registered patents.
The Israeli agriculture is well-known worldwide and many of its inventions are at the forefront of global innovation. Based on a deserted land with little natural resources and water, Israel had to overcome these restrictions by creating advanced agricultural technologies, including drip irrigation, water recycling and reuse systems, optimization of crops, new varieties of highly productive seeds, improvements in the cultivation systems, dairy high performance, etc.
In the mid-1990’s, Israeli research institutes developed the Cherry tomato, which enjoys international success and sold to the length and breadth of the world. The Galia melons were developed in Israel in the Vulcani Institute, and became leaders in Europe.
The Israeli market for spices is between 60 and 70 per cent of the spice in Europe market. In flowers, Israel sold special variants of Narcissus and «Boton de Oro» (Melampodium divaricatum) throughout Europe.
Israel developed species of edible grapes that produce abundant harvest. Israel developed techniques and special varieties of fruit that grow out of their station and which are sold all over the world, such as: strawberries, persimmons and raspberries. Recent discoveries have been made in biofuels.
Innovagro Seminar will allow you to learn first-hand these and other discoveries and attend to meetings with companies and organizations that give funds for projects. You will even know the most important tourist sites in Israel. Innovagro 2014 will give you also a chance to visit the Agromashov Expo, one of the largest exhibitions and agricultural expos in Israel
Visit the official website of the event at

Michael Porter talks on the solution to food security and environmental risks

In a world plagued by problems of all sorts such as world hunger, water shortages, deforestation, pollution and global warming, world-renowned planner Michael Porter talks about how to solve them from a business vision.

Governments and NGOs can not solve these problems alone since there are not enough resources for this. While he praises NGOs as an extremely proactive and positive structure but that is always into the challenge of resources lack. And where the resources come from? Well, from business activity, he argued.

His main argument is that most of the wealth is owned and generated by companies and these are the ones that can play a critical role in fighting the problems humanity faces under a scheme he calls ‘shared value’, which means that an economic value is created through business activity and a social/environmental problem is solved.

He mentions that audience is understandably thumbs down on some corporations that have polluted or generated problems. He adds that under old corporate scheme, to gain more companies tended to ignore effects that their activity could have on the environment. Under new scheme he proposes now, companies not only have to become more involved in issues of corporate responsibility, but go further and he says they have an opportunity to become the solution to problems, not being part of them.

Only business can generate economies of scale that can solve these complex problems and only businesses can generate resources, when they have a profit and that profit is the one that allows creating growing solutions to make them self-sustaining. The main challenge is how to make a critical mass of companies to see and act on this new formula, says Porter.

El riego por goteo fue inventado en Israel en los anios 50. Representa una solucion a los problemas de falta de agua y alimentos.

Among positive examples he brings there are Israeli drip irrigation companies that are making a revolution on agriculture by enlarging production and saving the precious liquid. In a world where population is growing, where there is an increased demand for food, particularly in developing countries where living standards are increasing at a breakneck pace but where the amount of soil and water is limited, and even worse the agricultural frontier is shrinking due to desertification and global warming, drip irrigation is a stunning solution because it makes optimal use of a scarce resource and expands production at the same time.

In his presentation, Porter also refers to sustainable forestry companies that sow Eucalyptus rather than extracting timber from native forests. He mentions distance training to remote areas – another area where Israel has much to offer. Then there are the inventions of some companies to medical issues such as AIDS.

Porter is considered the best business teacher of all time. He is Professor at the Harvard Business School. He is also founder of a number of NGOs.

Fondos para apoyar la participación de empresas de Israel y Espana en proyectos internacionales de I+D








Se abre la sexta llamada conjunta para la presentación de propuestas Eureka entre empresas de Israel y España.

En el marco del Acuerdo de Colaboración para apoyar la participación de empresas de ambos países en proyectos internacionales de I+D, se va a realizar una llamada conjunta para la presentación de propuestas dentro del programa Eureka, en el cual ambos organismos son agencias gestoras nacionales. ( Por parte de España CDTI y por parte de Israel ISERD)

Los proyectos deben tener las siguientes características:

  • Los proyectos Eureka se caracterizan por tener como resultado un producto, proceso o servicio innovador orientado a mercado consecuencia de la cooperación tecnológica de los participantes.
  • El proyecto debe tener participantes de ambos países y debe ser relevante para todos los socios (ningún país debe tener más del 70% de presupuesto).
  • Se permite que los proyectos hagan uso de cualquier área tecnológica y sean de aplicación a cualquier sector del mercado
  • Los resultados deben tener fin civil
  • El presupuesto debe ser coherente a los desarrollos a realizar y a la capacidad técnica/financiera de los participantes.
  • Los participantes deben firmar un acuerdo de consorcio que especifique los derechos y obligaciones de las partes respecto al desarrollo realizado y los posibles derechos de propiedad intelectual, explotación y comercialización de los resultados.

Si son una empresa basada en Israel y buscas financiamiento para tus proyectos innovadores pero por ser estos de alto riesgo te cuesta obtener el capital, entonces esta oportunidad es para usted, y desde Ocean Business le ayudaremos a encontrar su socio estratégico en Espana. Contactenos para mas informacion.


Si bien la agricultura Israelí de exportación tecnológica ha sido tradicionalmente en los sectores de maquinarias, riego,  los invernaderos, sector lechero, manejo del agua, semillas, fertilizantes, las nuevas empresas tecnológicas del agritech israelí combinan las más innovadoras tecnologías biotech y hi tech para crear nuevas soluciones biotecnologicas que hacen la agricultura más eficiente, productiva, amigable con el ambiente y más accesible al agricultor.

Empresarios del agro en todo el mundo probablemente han oído que Israel ha desarrollado: los sistemas de regadío con bajo consumo de agua, óptimos sistemas de reciclaje de agua, optimización de cosechas, nuevas variedades de semillas de alta producción y mejoras en los sistemas de cultivos.

 los invernaderos inteligentes en Israel han logrado records como más de tres millones de rosas por hectárea y un promedio de 300 toneladas de tomates por hectárea por estación cuatro veces más que la producción a terreno abierto, y que los afamados tomates cherry fueron inventados por cientificos israelies

los invernaderos inteligentes en Israel han logrado records con un promedio de 300 toneladas de tomates por hectárea por estación cuatro veces más que la producción a terreno abierto,el 40% de los invernaderos en Europa utilizan las semillas israelíes de tomate y los afamados tomates cherry fueron inventados por cientificos israelies

tambien quizas han escuchado que los invernaderos israelies producen más de tres millones de rosas por hectárea y las tecnologías del sector agropecuario han logrado que las vacas den unos 11 mil litros por animal al año. Que los sistemas de acuacultura Israelís sean de los más productivos del mundo, y que nuevas variedades de semillas han dado plantas que producen patillas sin semillas.  Pero si a eso le sumamos que se han inventado una cantidad de maquinarias que hacen más eficiente el empaquetamiento recolección y cultivo. Que se han inventado fertilizantes que se pueden utilizar a través de los sistemas de riego por goteo tambien inventados por israelies, y el invento de nuevos pesticidas ecológicos que son amigables con el ambiente, entonces entendemos que estamos frente a una potencia tecnologica sin precendentes.

Lo que quizás se conoce menos son las nuevas empresas jovenes tecnológicas del agritech israelí que combinan las más innovadoras tecnologías biotech y hi tech para crear nuevas soluciones que hacen la agricultura más eficiente, productiva, amigable con el ambiente y más accesible al agricultor. El ultimo grito del agritech moderno y donde los inversionistas tienen el ojo puesto son justo en estas modernas soluciones como por ejemplo una empresa que invento un agente que destruye al pesticida antes de que llegue a las aguas del sub suelo, o una empresa que produce una medicina para los peces que se cultivan en acuacultura que se puede dar a través de las algas con las cuales estos se alimentan. Tambien se inventaron fertilizantes que se liberan lentamente que prolongan su efecto y disminuyen el impacto sobre el ambiente. Y quizas tampoco sepan que científicos israelíes desarrollaron plantas genéticamente mejoradas, que son ultra resistentes a la sequía y que pueden ser un invento revolucionario para la crisis de alimentación global. Y la lista continua y es bien larga y los inversionistas de riego estan al acecho de invertir en las mas exitosas.

Para más información sobre innovación del agro en Israel visite